- Decompilation of pre-compiled scripts (bcs) in source files (baf). Now they are only compiled
during the installation.
- Addition of Kim's body after the last battle against Bodhi.
- Correction and adjustments of the experience points gained when Kim joins.
- Correction of the reward dialog in Trademeet playing two times.
- Correction of sound level of the French sound files :
- "A l'abordage !" (fichiers Kimd)
- "En garde !" (fichiers Kime)
- "Ah les villes, pleins de gens à détrousser." " (fichiers Kimj)
- "Ouais." (fichiers Kimp)
- "Besoin de ma lame ?" (fichiers Kimq)
- The installation of the modified axe now verifies that Kim NPC is installed before continuing and
automatically uninstalls during the uninstall of the Kim NPC Mod.
- Correction of the deleting of the pieces of map (they were only deleted if they were in Kim's
- Added the disappearing of the urn at the end of the quest.
- Correction of the discussion with the paladins of the Radiant Heart, removed the loop in this block
- "The mere fact that I know that you have recovered his body proves it, no?"
- Fixed the name of the CHARNAME's girlfriend in the journal entry "The final battle against Bodhi".
- Fixed problem with Kim becoming hostile after discussion with Samia..
- Removed the irrelevant dialogs when Kim is a vampire and during her resurrection.